Paladin slept on?

Heyo, I just met this dude, Aranamay, who was a poison paladin. Had 100 in health, 150 magic, a total of 2066 health. He popped his power aura and hit me with 20 beams, reducing my health bar of 1600 hp by about 2/3. Is paladin a good build? Am I sleeping on something?

Paladin is like Tank Iron Leg. Can be stupid to deal with if it’s an Iron/Earth, but without the boat load of HP, not too hard to fight.

Honestly, I feel like paladin is only good depending on how you use it.
If you use it correctly it’ll be pretty good in combat but it sleeps heavy if you got no idea or incorrectly using it

Use it correctly huh? How would one play a paladin as of now? Like a limited mage build?

Play Paladin with a heavy magic, or atleast one with decent DMG.

And resistance aura so your death will take forever, regeneration is % based

Hmm, would a metal paladin be good? I got a metal mage on my alt that I haven’t touched in ages, and now I somewhat want to try something different to warlocks, conjurers, and mages

I mean maybe, but I don’t recommend going paladin(viable) at all unless you don’t care about the “Ew, placed explosion spammer”(0 respect) and the fact that the only good paladin slots won’t really be fun to play.

Sure, a ton of HP, but unlike tank iron leg, you hit like a 5 year old kid with cancer.

So just go mage. Paladin isn’t fun, and honestly it’s only good for being annoying and for war.

Ah, ok. Guess anything would be less infuriating than lightning mage for me.

Play fire ash or poison mage. Specifically ash/poison, extremely hilarious builds.

ash/poison? Well, if I can’t hit my moves, at the very least I can crash my opponents’ game lol

Uh, no… ash and poison have cool huge AOE clouds that deal 26 dps. Use a 20x beam all around the area you’re fighting in, and bam, your enemy slowly dies. Also, the lag.

The lag is what I meant

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