People who genuinely likes/plays WoM currently, why?

isnt sunkes easier to get in tgr?

There is a pity system so yes

itā€™s pretty cool to mess around with magic and create custom spells with it (though spell creativity is kind of lackluster). I occassionally play it to also get a boost when AO drops

I hate how these people compare wom to actually games wom in a roblox game perspective is flawed in many ways but it does not mean itā€™s bad.

Wom in a roblox perspective is a great game for roblox because tell me a game thatā€™s out rn thatā€™s not a anime game/copy thats has many of the features that world of magic has.
Well I guess Dw but weā€™ll yea.

Wom in vetexs game wise is one of the worst.but you simply canā€™t not deny thatā€™s itā€™s a really well made that took a year to even launch. Graphics wise itā€™s better than most games actually in almost every department itā€™s better than most games.
It may have bugs and all but saying itā€™s bad like that is dumb.and last thing itā€™s not payed to win EVERY ANIME GAMES OR ANY RPG IS AND THAT THE MOST SURPISEING

Also what people say about it is that people say its repetitive and how it gets boring for them. Bruh that does not make bad you just done it all

I dare you to try to actively play wom for 3 hours straight without getting bored

Already did that yesterday

Like honestly what else am I gonna play freaking adopt me

A better game

club penguin

Any game on the popular page is money grabbing if you just look into it

When did I say the popular page? All the games on there r shitty


bruh 99% of roblox games are shitty

But all people recommend are anime games


Iā€™m not even gonna say half the things that I think about anime games because I will get attacked so much

I still play the game regularly to either PvP or boss hunt.

Sometimes I PvP however Iā€™m not the biggest fan of it because I only have around 200 Player kills And all of them are people trying to run at me and Iā€™m like Bruh

how, teach me your ways :sob: