AO hasn’t even released yet there are MANY possibilities for the future of AO. Just wanted to run some polls on what you think may happen
- 5k
- 5-10k
- 10-15k
- 15-25k
- 25-50k
- 50k+
0 voters
- Yes
- No
0 voters
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
0 voters
- Weapons + Fighting Style
- Magic + Weapons
- Fighting Style + Magic
0 voters
- Magic
- Strength
- Weapons
- Vitality
0 voters
- 100% PvE
- Mostly PvE, slightly PvE
- I will fight when i feel like it
- Somewhat PvE, somewhat PvP
- Mostly PvP, Slightly PvE
- 100% PvP
0 voters
- Yes
- No
0 voters
- Yes
- No
0 voters
- 1 slot
- 2-3 slots
- 3-6 slots
- 6-9 slots
- 9-12 slots
- 12-15 slots
- 15-18 slots
- 18-21 slots
- 21+ slots
0 voters
- Play AO religiously, spend most of the week grinding AO
- Play AO often, hop on three or four times a week to play
- Play AO on the side, beat the storyline and play whenever I feel bored
- Play AO occasionally, Play through the story, maybe play a few times a month
- Play AO to check it out, probably wont play it again unless I remember it
- I won’t play AO
- Other
0 voters
- Yes
- No
0 voters
- The Dark Sea
- Exploring islands
- The Boat Building System
- The Build system
- Awakenings
- Quests
- The Storyline
- Misc./ Smaller systems (messages, castaways, etc.)
- Grinding
- PvP
- Bosses
- Being the first to find easter eggs/ lesser known features
- Creating and owning a guild
- Chilling with friends
0 voters
- The full bronze sea
- The dark seas
- Potion/ Brewing system
- Professions
- Lost/ Rare spells, techniques, and weapons
- Clan Island building
0 voters
- Yes
- No
0 voters
- Villain
- Hero
- Neutral
0 voters