Possible new discovery (beams and high jumps)

Beams might be able to cancel highjumps. When I was fighting, my enemy did an ash beam right ontop of me while I was about to high jump. It could be the angle or the very specific timing or both

I think casting speed also contributes to this.

You can cancel high jump with anything if you time it right.

Yea it felt like this has happened a couple times to me before like I hit a ceiling or something

Wait what
Many people here didn’t know about this?
(Also should I change my pfp back to pogchamp)

No this pfp better :nod:

The darkness of this pfp felt kinda off so asked

chad >>>>> pog kid

Isn’t he like 40 or something

I meant that the use of “pog” was childish but ok

also 40? goddamn i’m 14 wtf

40 was just a complete guess, he’s probably around his 30’s or something, dude looks super old.

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