Put questions here for possible full release QnA

Image I suppose

Give me ideas and I will put them here and credit you if they are good

  • Mr_hyperspace

    • Are we getting any modifier additions/changes
  • Hello

    • Will more areas get unique drops/multiple secrets?
  • tecdroogan

    • Would it be possible to imbue magic onto an arcanium weapon that’s has another/the same magic bonded to it?
  • TheManWithTheFlannel

    • Will we get guns such as six shooters?
  • yrni0

    • What will the gimmick of Artisan Weapons be?
    • Will Knights have specialized weapons like Warlords, Conjurers, and Warriors?
    • Will Warlocks and Juggernauts have dedicated content like other hybrids?
    • Will Warriors’ awakening be reworked? And if so, what are the current ideas?
    • How was the Peacekeeper revived with the ability to produce their own magic energy?
  • sacrificehumans

    • Are lost and ancient magic requirement gonna be based off of build and level or stat points invested into a magic?
    • How exactly will arcanium weapons work with their spells and skills?
  • Celeste

    • How many external/experimental curses are there?
    • Will weapon skills be complete by full release?
    • How many curses does the average kingdom have? (both users and stored curses)
    • Can you give us any information regarding The Unknown Entity mentioned in the lore doc?
    • Will we get Excalibur as a legendary weapon?
    • Will there be an option to switch between normal and divine (Paladin) soul colors in the future?
  • Lhama

    • Will more clans buildings, such as guard camps and fishing huts, be added in the/soon after full release? -
  • MrYes

    • Will evolved fighting styles fighting styles be unlocked at the time?
  • Pipe

    • Will they consider a faction rank rework so that commander/lord and above are obtainable to the public and not just 100 people -
  • Walyn

    • Any plans for more expansive quests/quest lines, or more detailed similar to quests you would find in Runescape that require puzzle solving and acquiring items or skills found outside the quest.
    • Any planned improvements to base building?
  • bikbok

    • Any more planned titles in the future? also any plans for fishing?
  • Raimon

    • Will there be more weapons permanently imbued with lost/ancient magics like Triasta of Bronze and will savants be able to use them?
    • Are you looking for any more island builders?
  • Icyboomerang

    • Would militaries be joinable factions assuming we’re on the side of them so Samaria for example and could we in the future join factions like Greenwish so they wouldn’t attack us.
    • Could we get navy and assassin tailors that would let you change certain aspects of your uniform?
  • Zipher

    • Is there any system you want to rework after full release?
    • Will there be more sky ship variants considering Nimbus Lands will be the focus for this update?
    • When will “waterproofing” magic would be added?
  • beans_and_burrito_lo

    • Will we ever get to meet some characters from AA? Possibly fight any bosses from AA?
    • is one main cast character going to die?
  • SpectreTheFox

    • Will there be unique fruits and mushrooms exclusive to the Dark Sea that we can cook with?
  • Ihateitwhenioof

    • Will there be any changes made to improve the NPCs? currently they just throw aimbot attacks in a straight line towards the player and don’t use important mobility like T-jumping or dashing towards the player to chase them
  • rotisserie

    • Any plans to improve endgame? Specifically replayability.
    • Any plans to rework current PVE content?
    • Would Vetex ever consider converting some aspects of the game into dungeons?(instanced servers)
  • Bluemin_Night

    • How do you think about the current state of AO by the time you’re developing the game?
    • Will there be more animation gamepass like the ones in AA such as Assasins, Moonwalk, and Athletic added into the game?

    • Did The Fracture create any change in the Earth’s shape and/or size?
  • l1on_heardt

    • When and where are we going to find the next character to the main group? Could we get any hints?
      *Could we get a hint to what Curse they would get?
  • Ourobor01

    • Is the kingdom alignment system still gonna be implemented?
    • Are you still gonna change classes names?
    • Will we ever be able to create our own weapons?
    • How would a fighter of great renown fare against the horrors hiding in the dark sea?
    • What ‘class’ is War saint Nicholas?
    • Is the ‘creation(?)’ of equipment with warding power linked to a specific crafting process, or is it due to an individual power?
    • What would be the effects on a normal human’s power if he managed to spend a long period of time in the Dark sea without losing his sanity?
  • Rycanlase

    • How will hecate shards be obtained?
    • (To Techlevel80) What will you do when the arcane odyssey storyline finish?
    • What is our goal next after we dealt with Keraxe kingdom?
  • 15Edward

    • Is there potentially going to be more armor substats in the future?
  • HealCaster

    • Of incoming features in the update, which is your favorite and most excited for in future updates?
    • What are your thoughts on the proposed monthly updates a while back?
    • Will terrain/structure destruction return at the same level as was in wom?
    • Will more gimmicky/spice of life items like gunpowder barrels be added?
    • Will savants have more synergizing abilities across its classes?
  • Iris

    • Will there ever be special accessories with stats that have random amounts of stats, instead of being a fixed amount at a certain level?
  • fartman1314

    • Are you considering reducing dark sea island height?
  • LiterallyHermes

    • Now that other areas have more secrets, will places like Sameria and Ravenna get more?
    • Will we be able to have houses on our clan builds?
    • Will there be more variety in clan farms?
    • Will skyhall have as much content as say, Makrinaos?
    • Will we spawn at skyhall at the end of the current questline?
  • spicytuna

    • Why are some of the brig parts, especially the ones that often get stuck on, still solid? was this an oversight on design?
  • Slender

    • Will the stat progression system ever be changed or reworked
    • How many people are there in the bronze sea, including ships?
    • When is Ultimate Rite: Spirit Bomb coming to the game? (Hey its me goku)
  • CookieTank12345

    • Will we ever get hull armor to turn normal ships into skyships?
  • Mortal

    • Will spirit weapons ever be renamed?
  • ravvy

    • Will we ever get weapon vanity?
  • KyleOriginals

    • Will bounties npcs/Rivals have access to spirit weapons or imbue?
  • sanek_1

    • Is there anything planned for Full Release that will improve the early game?
  • SoifonFan74473727720

    • Will the Arcane Book series cover info only found in-game through things like sidequests and events? Or are those canon only to the game and not the books?
  • white_thing

    • Did Winterveil have any other territories besides its capital and Gloam Ruins prior to its destruction?
  • canguro2010

    • Will mutating with hecate shards be random or can you choose the mutation and color variant?
    • Will we visit Mount Olympus at any point in the story?
    • Can you mutate an already mutated magic
  • beetwee24

    • Will we get to read the rest of the books from the Myriad?
    • Do we know every major faction or will more be introduced?
    • Do the Seekers of Sight play a bigger part in the story?
  • FlorenceIsHavoc

    • Were there other people who escaped from the order of aesir?
    • Is there more planned for julian other than him possibly being a boss?
  • westloonlake

    • Will there be other methods of obtainment for spirit weapons rather than just defeating npcs? If so what will they be?
  • devon

    • When will instrument weapons will get added?
    • If gods made humans just like how creation and chaos made gods, can humans make homunculus things too with spirit weapon & magic power?
  • StockSounds

    • How do Dead Revival Magic and Enchantment Magic work, and why are they each considered separate from other magic types?
  • Huskssoul

    • Will we ever get back the AA advanced clashing?
  • afhnd

    • Will you ever consider reworking sea monster ai?
    • Will more special island formations in the dark sea be considered later down the line like the ones that drop jewels off breakable structures?
    • In your opinion do you believe that the full release update will have enough content to revive the game not only for players that are already waiting for it but for players that would start playing the game for the first time?
  • juancruz1050

    • What type of technology does the War Seas have?
    • Which kingdom/faction is the most technologically advanced?

Will modifiers ever be reworked

Will more areas get unique drops/multiple secrets?

Would it be possible to imbue magic onto an arcanium weapon that’s has another/the same magic bonded to it? (Example: Sand arc weapon imbued with sand, ash arc weapon imbued with fire)

Will we ever get a Sunken Six-Shooter?

Will magic savants get lost magics?

Yes? Any build with magic eventually can if they invest enough

What will the gimmick of Artisan Weapons be?
Will Knights have specialised weapons like Warlords, Conjurers, and Warriors?
Will Warlocks and Juggernauts have dedicated content like other hybrids?

Is lost &ancient magic requirement gonna be based off of build and level or stat points invested into a stat?

  • How many external/experimental curses are there?
  • Will revolvers and such ever be added to ao? If so, at what level?
  • Will weapon skills be complete by full release?
  • How many curses does the average kingdom have? (both users and stored curses)
  • Can you give us any information regarding The Unknown Entity mentioned in the lore doc?
  • Will we get Excalibur as a legendary weapon?

Will more clans buildings, such as guard camps and fishing huts, be added in the/soon after full release?

Will evolved fighting styles and lost fighting styles be unlocked at the time?

Will we ever fight a curse user ?

hey! vetex here.

well no fucking shit. you’ve literally been name dropped 4 hostile curse users in wotan and his sons alone :woozy_face: maybe try pay some more fucking attention.

peace out!

1 Like

will they consider a faction rank rework so that commander/lord and above are obtainable to the public and not just 100 people

nimbus wilds already has this so he did infact add quality side content

Shut up im just trynna bait some extra information

leaks easy ban

i can’t think of anything interesting, i’ve been only playing for the past week bee swarm :sob:

As in, unique drops or multiple secrets?