why were some of the brig parts, especially the ones that often get stuck on, still solid? was this an oversight on design?
When and where are we going to find the next character to the main chat? Could we get any hints in any sort?
Could we get a hint to what Curse they would get? Like the ones tech gives us regarding other curse user (If I’m not mistaken, I’ve heard they would be a Curse user like Morden).
Is the kingdom alignment system still gonna be implemented?
Are you still gonna change classes names?
Will we ever be able to create our own weapons?
How will hecate shard be obtained?
My message to Techlevel80, what will you do when arcane odyssey storyline finish?
What is our goal next after we dealt with Keraxe kingdom?
is there potentially more armor substats in the future (atkspeed, intensity and the like)
-of incoming features in the update, which is your favorite and most excited for in future updates
-what are your thoughts on the proposed monthly updates a while back
-will terrain/structure destruction return at the same level as was in wom
-will more gimmicky/spice of life items like gunpowder barrels be added (such as whatever i said here)
-will savant have more synergizing abilities across its classes
might add more later just spitballing a couple off the top of my head
Will there ever be special accessories with stats that have random amounts of stats, instead of being a fixed amount at a certain level?
Why do you think removing agility is a good idea?
are you considering reducing dark sea island height?
Now that other areas have more secrets, will places like Sameria and Ravenna get more?
Will we be able to have houses on our clan builds?
Will there be more variety in clan farms?
Will skyhall have as much content as say, Makrinaos?
Will we spawn at skyhall at the end of the current questline?
Updated list again,
Also for future reference I severely doubt vetex will answer any questions about future lore, especially in the update
Very true
He might answer questions about current lore but that’s it
Could we get navy and assassin tailors that would let you change certain aspects of your uniform such as different shirts the option to only wear one arm pauldron or wear a different cape (this also applies to any future factions with uniforms)
Thoughts on tweaking or reworking the stat progression system? Right know its kind of awkward and unintuitive
will we ever get get a skyship hull armor for ships?
(it seems cooler for me ngl)
Is there any chance that he will rename spirit weapons into something different? People previously have discussed alternatives such as “Relic”, “Talisman” and etc.
will we ever get weapon vanity, almost like glamour in final fantasy?
as in armor on skyships, or armor that makes normal boats skyships?
it sounds like hull armor for skyships to me
- Will bounties npcs/Rivals have access to spirit weapons or imbue?