Q/A! (2nd Introduction topic)

I already made an introduction topic, but I feel like it would be a cool idea to do a Q+A for fun. Ask a question and I will answer in probably under an hour. Again, this is just for fun, so I may not answer something serious or personal.

Now we wait

If someone replies to a topic made by you it’ll notify you automatically, so they won’t need to ping you directly like that.

Is that a question?

No, but I said it anyways. :upside_down_face:

Bruh :skull:

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Trollface - Wikipedia

Why are you two talking on the forums if you are in the same house(presumably)?

Good question: we are in different rooms and too lazy to shout to each other or go to the same room :sunglasses:



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What will your stat build be?

Weapons-Magic… Forgot what it’s called.

It’s called conjurer. Good choice.


Is this topic dead already? I came back 30m later and got no questions (maybe I’m just underestimating how long it takes?)

I was gonna say not a lot of people were online…


Plans for second magic?

Is that a lot??? :sleeper:

Uhh, kinda.

Hmm. Magma if you mean base magics, Pheonix if you mean lost/promordial

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30’s a good amount, since these days there’s rarely more than 25 people online at peak times. Once TGR hell ends that will hopefully change