Say i wanted to trade for a good enchant boss drop, maybe a strong Oathkeeper. What sort of other boss drops would i need to trade for it?
I’d say offer 2 clean oaths + other boss piece(s) or any minor add
dang thats higher than i thought, well thanks
Well a strong oath is the most valuable boss drop, so…
yeah ig, gonna need a few of these to get some sunkens too.
this may take a while
Well some traders prefer heaps of good/best enchant armour pieces, so you could offer those for a shitty piece if you have em.
i have a few strong mino and a few hard mino, those any good?
other than that, i dont really have any other armour of worth
pretty much for weapon mains and nothing else
Don’t think so, you’ll probably need abouuut a little less than 2 hard exiled sets worth. (For like a forceful piece, maybe bad ench if lucky)
wait? the armour is good?
A full hard exiled set is worth more than a strong oath (by a little)
But if you mean practically, then meh it’s alright best off just to use wiz set tho
farm exiled. fork over everything you get after a couple of months for sunkens.
it took me a quite a few months to get a full set of bursting sunken and a swift ss from just exiled. its extremely gruesome and it makes me look like i havent touched grass in years. but, its what you gotta do for good sunkens.
for defense. it gives the second most defense in the game. behind hard sunken and above hard iron
ive already fished out two sunkens in less than a month e.e
didnt know people used it, thats nice to know
i farmed exiled because i dont have the patience to sit at the same spot fishing for ages, when i can have more action but it takes 3x as long
max defence builds are rarely used. theyre shit.
good for nieche things, like all max stat builds. here are some uses for max/high defence;
- can run away from players without dying. this isnt relevant if you arent in a guild
- fishing just incase you get ganked. again, isnt relevant if you arent in a guild
- boss farming. its still better to have good power for bosses though
alr, well thanks
bruh an oathkeeper already, looking good
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