Question about hard sunken sword

is hard gonna get some sort of buff?

someone is offering me strong sunken chest and strong sunken legs for a hard sunken sword i have.

is it worth it? before i think it was because of how useless a hard sunken sword used to be.

idk if they’re making any changes to hard sword. someone tell pls.

Hard is getting replaced with bursting on weapons

It’ll buff the weapon’s ability’s and normal/heavy’s AoE

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alr thanks

the fact that bursting can potentially end up being more valuable than strong after TGR scares me

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Sucks to be me, I had 3 hard sunken swords.

hard ss is in a weird spot rn
Like level said its enchant will change in ao. But so far we dont know anything about how useful that will actually be. If its useful then yes it could become really valuable. If not then it will roughly stay the same value.

Tho whatever happens, this trade isnt worth it in the current market nor do i think bursting will decrease ss value even more than hard so long run it isnt worth it either.

Chances are Hard SS will be worth quite a bit more. Since a higher hitbox would be SUPER USEFUL in pvp.

I made a good investment getting one. :nod:

I guess it’s fine if you didn’t spend event items for it, but otherwise you lost limited items for a sword that will become irrelevant in the revamp or the update after it
Whenever items past level 100 come out along with the next tier of sunken set

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