R.I.P. 600,000 fame

they be like those naked world invaders from dark souls except your the actually good guy and they choke their attacks or something

the penalties scaling to my overall renown is still a core game feature, this was just a very harsh lesson to be more attentive to them

Look its me


omg get outta here midinput!!! :rage:

who are you nerd shutup!!!

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Me loosing 50k fame not from beinf hunted by villains but my pc crashing when in combat literally making me combat log:

:skull: Welp, ig there are drawbacks to having a lot of renown.

Being a mage is starting to look better by the day.

But honestly silverhold in it’s current form feels more like a criminal stronghold, with massive 1k property damage slaps and possible 5% renown reduction, all while giving criminals large amounts of bounty, and it’s not like the navy will ever re-secure it on their own if there’s two guys, since they can just get arrested and free each other to keep notoriety in safe amounts basically forever.

absolute tragedy

this is why i completely ignore any sliverhold bounties
me when i lose 10k renown because i used explosion

no wayy :sob:

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I feel you since the same thing hapeened to me

the stakes are just so extraordinarily high and will keep rising higher the further you go in fame

im unaware of similar penalties that bounty players have though, if any

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Maybe this…THIS!!! THIS IS YOUR SIGN THAT THE MATRIX IS OUT TO GET YOU!!! The matrix is real. You have felt the pain. Reject reality! Reject the matrix! Join the Holy Brotherhood of our Lord and Savior Andrew Tate today!!! Fight back against the Matrix!!!

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww iron leg :nauseated_face:

rip bozo rest in piss ngl

Actually, my real beef is with tank iron legs. So, EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW TANK IRON LEG :face_vomiting:


key your mad that this guy can solo you even without iron leg lmao!!!
keep crying kid! :rofl:

I will never stop crying.

alright eat a shoe

I will never stop eating shoes.