Rate build

light file go brrrr

I really appreciate the simplicity of your avatar
( Build is good, but swap the bursting dull power for hard or powerful dull power amulet and get wizard pants with hard enchant)

Btw whats the max damage light can do?

Probably 160 -170 with high power build, I’m not too sure

what why

  • no pants
  • powerful culture item
  • sturdy woj
  • bursting on power amulet

will do fine but dont complain if someone bashes your head in and you cant kill them

I only noticed the bursting, the rest flew over my head

big light blast trolling :troll:

Ok but hear me out bursting sounds like a funny innuendo so actually the build is a 11/10

its 9 magic size bro it doesnt do anything

Ok but… funny innuendo 11/10

USe the warrior set with valkarie hat if you can’t get full bursting sunken. Then it good.

7/10 because you trying.

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