Raven's Restaurant & Dealership

Raven's Restaurant & Dealership https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/0/3/0343a3ba2ab31ae0ff0eca10915103e3f93b5fa5_2_1024x247.png
convenience 4.833333333333333 6 fairness 5.0 4 trustworthiness 4.8 5

still there?

sorry, wonā€™t be on for the rest of today. something came up and I had to go.
ingredient value sectionā€™s under ā€œBuying Ingredientsā€. have a look

alr i understand, also sorry if i came off as unpatient, ill look and send my offer, ill check back tommorow for ur response

I dont completely understand the price amount into the ships so im just gonna list all the stuff on the list that are 4+
1x garlic spice, 2x pepper spice, 4x giant greencap, 78x sky pumpkins (dont judge), 50 caraway (also dont judge) thats all. also again i didnt fully understand the chart so if thats not much just says and ill get more

Honestly pretty dope shop, like the restaurant stuff a lot.

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no worries, youā€™re fine.
as for your offer, sure, thatā€™ll work. Iā€™ll also be updating the format so itā€™s more readable - thanks for the feedback

btw to help u improve it, the main problem was understanding how much equaled another item, while yes i understood how much each ingredient was; besides the percentage thing; i didnt know how much the ship parts were

ill tell u when ill be able to do the trade, untill then have a nice day

Updated the shop! Hereā€™s a complete changelog:

  • Moved Perfect Wheat and Perfect Cooked Giant Banana to be under ā€œSelling Mealsā€ subcategory. ā€œGLITCHED FOODā€ subcategory removed.
  • Removed ā€œFigureheadsā€ and ā€œLanternsā€ subcategories.
  • Adjusted bulk sale bonus under ā€œBuying Ingredientsā€ subcategory. Previous was way too high.
  • Added cooking skill leveling service. Changed ā€œPERFECT Cooking Serviceā€ to ā€œCooking and Leveling Servicesā€.
  • Updated all wares.
  • Miscellaneous formatting changes.

Really fast and simple way to get Perfect cooking. Thanks!

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10/10 service, fast speed, overall cool guy. Iā€™m officially full, and 10x better at cooking.

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Thank you for all your support! After a week break, Iā€™ve updated the shop:

  • Increased buying price for Giant Banana (by 2) and Horizon Rosemary (by 3).
  • I now buy fish at 30% worth! Thatā€™s 5% more than NPCs.
  • Increased bonus calculation for Food Merchant ingredients from 0% to 50%.
  • Changed ā€œCooking and Leveling Servicesā€ to just ā€œCooking Skill Power-leveling Serviceā€. @Dibs was right - no one cares about cooking service lol
  • Increased ā€œCooking Skill Power-leveling Serviceā€ fee by 50%. I canā€™t scale this with only a 10% profit margin.
  • Ship Parts category now only list items level 70+, unless built.
  • Updated all wares.
  • Miscellaneous formatting changes.

5 April, 2023 Changelog:

  • Moved Equipment category to the top. Why? Because I felt like it.
  • This is a second bullet point.
  • Updated all wares.
  • Miscellaneous formatting changes.

yo whatā€™s your insanity II pie recipe :niceman:

it should be in the databaseā€™s recipe logs if you want to take a look

What would you say is a good value for the Arcsphere? Yā€™know, to get a feel for it.

Iā€™m pretty new to this game and this is like the first time Iā€™m ever doing trading, so bare with me haha.

unfortunately, Iā€™m just a chef so I donā€™t know much about exact values. all I know that itā€™s definitely valuable, especially to arcsphere collectors

12 April, 2023 Changelog:

  • Major formatting update!
  • Most details have a second one for more precise searching.
  • Meals now have a selling price! Finally made a formula.
  • Changed ingredient bonus calculation. Value > Amount, +10% > +15%.
  • Updated all wares.

As always, feedback is appreciated.

I canā€™t lie, I dislike this one a lot compared to the old one, very confusing and hard to navigate; too many dropdowns

thatā€™s what I was worried about. I hate it too but donā€™t know how I can offset the second dropdown