Recommendations for Magics

Self explosion spam is in my experience incredibly effective, as long as you keep it sphere. Since I normally play as an outlaw self explosion saves you from very common situations, say for example a group of magic council soldiers have surrounded you and are bombarding you, just spam Iron explosion and kill them all. Unless your fighting the Exiled, Minotaur or King (in that case use iron beam) it’s at least in my experience 100% effective.

like im gonna tell you :joy_cat:

stay mad I probably rk’ed you before

self explosion spam is super weak, you try it against a skilled player and you get 4 blasted

I don’t give a shit if random ass shit guilds don’t like me

bro really out here acting like anyone still plays or gives a shit about wom anymore for anything besides ao prep

how does that relate you stupid fuck

you’re a newgen right? i find it improbable that ive died to you because i havent played in a while and dont recall dying to any players even then. i think i’d die irl before i die in game to somebody who thinks 20 blasts are good :skull: :skull:

I started playing 9th gen

you were talking about the people specifically here not liking Huwey, and i said its the people specifically here that dont like you.

sunken sword ability
4 blasts
single blasts
some people also started to popularise self explosions
blocking & pb’ing became more and more important (evidently)

that’s everything i recall

pretty sure nobody i know heard of you prior to this year

because I was casual player who didn’t do pvp also I played on a dif acc

i dont care if you care im just saying that nobody wants you here.


gonna cry?

yeah youre one of those kinds of people im just not gonna argue anymore

piss your pants maybe?

lets guess his response
something along the lines of “lol scared?”

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