Recommendations for Magics

I can flawless you with 20 blasts and if I can do that its good


we’re all proud of you


he didn’t lol :sleeper:

i did and i can confirm that i got assfucked the second i tried to use a barrage in pvp

because ur bad lmfao

he returns

ran who

lol that doesn’t mean anything you easily could have quit after playing for a while on gen 9 and not come back until recently, You could gain credibility about anything by showing your playtime, also you’re swearing and cussing at people in a roblox forum over PVP in a roblox game.

you take this too seriously please go play OTHER games assuming you have the capability to play anything else, also you’re genuinely boring to read


Tax evasion magic

now that’s something useful

every magic is tax evasion magic if you use it right

just kill those who try to tax you

Clout chasing Douchetuber magic.



telling someone to cope doesnt do shit lmao

Since ghost doesn’t seem to interested…

Tax evasion Damage has low damage and bad clash rates, so I would recommend getting an amulet of strength and defence. Once your at level 20 you can just go around destroying stuff then using tax evasion to avoid paying the fine while not becoming a criminal. This can be very funny if you want to go around wrecking a town. This can also be useful if there’s a target in the city.


nobody can flawless anyone with 20 blasts no matter how good and thats a fact :skull:

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also give tips for how to use femboy furry maid magic pls :innocent:

i use transgender softie fox variant wbu?
