Recommendations for Magics


Well not flawless but probably green or something like that

bro not impressive, I can perfect people by killing them in a different game cause the PVP in this game is not something to be proud of lmao

do it in ar where the pvp is much better

you have to be kidding me that shit is boosted asf pvp you donā€™t even need to have good aim because of the massive ass aoe, itā€™s literally one of the worst pvp systems I have seen

the only reason you are saying that is because you are ass

give me advice for trans femboy furry maid magic N O W

still light years better than womā€™s 10% complete pvp system

Bro who would deny this shit I would never wanna be good in roblox PVP because why would I want such a useless boring skill lmao

this guy must really not know what grass is :skull:

this guy seems really proud of being good at a shitty af pvp system on a lego magic game istg

ngl man but this guy is even less respected than like a LoL competitive player and that is already bottom of the barrel

tbh in terms of theory crafting I can kind of see the 20 blast thing working in a rkā€™ing situation

the only example I could find of it is this

the insane damage makes it good forā€¦ anything thatā€™s not moving. The charge up is slow and the speed is pathetic. The only situation this would work is if your target was standing still and they didnā€™t saw it coming (which I now realize fits Ghost entirely because heā€™s an rk scum). And this isnā€™t even full casting speed like the bullshit that was being suggested, thereā€™re 69 power being mixed into the build for obvious reasons. This would never work in a proper 1v1

works if you arenā€™t a skill issue

hell nah wtf are you on about, the fact you think ar pvp is better than wom pvp is funny

I mean does it matter if he thinks a game has better PVP? both are dogshit lmao

never said that, plus not relevant to the argument

wom pvp not as bad as ar pvp that shit on a new level

also holy shit this looks fun, I wonder what happens if itā€™s done with light magic instead

explain? Itā€™s easily dodgeable if you arenā€™t dogshit at PvP

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