Recommendations for Magics

well, wom pvp was unfinished and still at an early phase. We havent been able to play in ao yet so Its in my opinion useless to say “you are bad in pvp at these games”

wom pvp is good as it is and saying its unfinished is just a excuse for being bad at pvp, if you are bad at wom pvp you will most likely be bad at ao pvp as well

if you aren’t a tester then there’s no way for you to be sure.

and if you look through vetex’s discord message, vetex will say things about combat like: “How can you criticize combat even before its close to being finished?” or something in that sense

machine guns in WoM (real)

I’m saying that because the aiming will be almost the same as wom

aiming is something you can practice. and in my experience from aa, you can also do damage without aiming.

water and magma


welcome to the forums, I’d like to give you a cookie but that is @StarForDays 's job.

no shit?? yeah but that damage probably won’t be that viable to magic

ur still making claims without proof tho?

keyword: probably


Welcome to the forums!!!


huh thats funny because

(wom pvp is not that good either. cope.)

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forumers beat each other because of meta simulator 2014 edition


That was prolly me accidently leaving because I forgot the combat log sign was still there

oh yeah right how good is poison in combat (pretty sure its ass but i wanna know)

just use ash, but poison not that bad