
I never made a proper #Game-Discussion:Introductions post so this isn’t really a “re”-introduction, but since I’m changing my username and pfp I’m guessing there might be someone out there who only knows me by the old ones, so when I link this as my featured topic it might clear their confusion when they open my profile wondering “Who even is this guy?”.

The new username keeps a similar topology to the old one and can be similarly shortened to “UV”. One key difference, however, is that this time it’s pronounceable, which I believe many will find preferable.

Now comes the part where I should tell you a bit about myself, and I’m terrible at doing that. You know those moments when you have a new/substitute teacher and they ask each of you in class to tell a bit about yourselves? Well I hated those.
I don’t believe it’s possible to describe myself as anything more than a sum of my experiences, beliefs, and interests, which can all be easily observed. Besides, you can only form a complete image of me as a subjective experience, which already means observing and interacting with me, but I digress.

At the time of writing I am a first year in University (a Freshman, if you prefer), which puts me on the higher end of the age spectrum here (Hello, fellow adults! How goes the adulting?).
I’m studying software engineering, mostly interested in systems stuff, but I also like mathematics, climbing big rocks (although that’s been on pause for some time), and old ThinkPads, among other things.
I try to be thorough when doing things I’m interested in or otherwise find important, so you can expect to find a couple ramble-posts here and there.
As far as games go, aside from Roblox where I only really play a few games, I mostly find myself playing old games (Diablo II, Castlevania, …) or roguelikes/lites (Caves of Qud, Cataclysm:DDA, Dwarf Fortress, Risk of Rain 2, just to name a few).
I’ve played Vetex’s games since AA (didn’t play the beta, nor the later paid access), and have been on this here forum since day 1, some could say for a concerning amount of time. I am also a mod on here, which means I get to change my own username and it’s darker blue. That has to be a character trait, right?

That’s about as much as I can muster, if you have some question for me or want to talk for whatever reason, you can DM me here, or add me on Discord, or if you know where I live you can come knock on my door. If you do the latter, please announce yourself in advance, I can’t greet guest properly unprepared and that would make me look like a bad host.


Nice to meet you :clap:

The man who’s consumed more forum posts than anyone else on the site


forum check up/name change :muscle:

Welcome back! I see you are an essay writer of the forums.

:handshake: Nice to meet you, too, the man with the permanently open Trello Recent tab.

Feels good to be back, feels even better to not have been gone at all.


I liked your old unpronounceable name and your old pfp

I liked them as well, I just like the new ones slightly more

cool name! linear algebra gang :handshake:

:handshake: This is a certified vector space moment