Reminders for AO (Part 1)

That ability seems really good, looks like an multi explosion sort of attack but you aren’t stood still during it. May be horrible wrong tho.

setting up some more earlygame


Obesity in AO when

More common early game power armor?

game has more content than most one-piece games

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published :lfg:


does the last 2 patch notes mean that you can use your first weapon skill at level 5 and your second one at level 25? or am I misunderstanding?

Uhh idak

Chests spawn when you sink ships, right? Maybe the type of ship will now dictate the chests that spawn, like navy ships giving armor and weapons.

Sealed chests spawn when you defeat ships, yes. These chests are randomly generated instead of treasure chests though. Treasure chests are just normal chests like in wom that you can probably find anywhere

Yooo potion hype

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Finally I can make a drug store

Bro all those shots missed :sob:


Jokes on you, im gonna make my OC drug deal as their only way to exist

Standing here, i realize


You were just like me, trying to make history

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But who’s to judge the right from wrong, when our guard is down I think we’ll both agreee

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That violence breeds violence, but in the end it has to be this way

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Which is why I was asking a tester