the player isn’t going to be thinking, wtf is he wearing a coat to battle because vanity exists and it’s a video game, no one really cares about how someone is dressed, and while other color nominations can work for a navy, the most common thought of is white and blue
163 posts were split to a new topic: Something? (Rename it to something that represents the topic idk)
can yall quiet down
magic and name change & also level wipe
idk probably just deleted from inventory. The only things getting deleted are boss weapons & culture items (other than merchant coat)
wait when was this said
oh i thought you were talking about the old boss weapons im a dumbass
shut the fuck up
POV: reminders for AO 2
gold, white and dark blue*
lets just let vetex decide the fuckin colors
can you guys all stop arguing over a fucking unreleased game my god
so is fucking sea of thieves for most of it (less with the magic shit for it)
Still Arcane odyssey isnt really entirely fucking anime
sandal just shut up for now you’ve caused this topic to flood so much
10% conversation 90% saying the same thing over and over
learn that the shit you say on an average basis is about the same braindead things as this
id like some please i hungy
its like we all average forumers bein mostly braindead
Can we get a mod to move this to another topic this conversation stinks