Reminders for AO (Part 2)

We don’t know cause 1 fighting styles don’t have their techniques and 2 that’s super late game


still waiting for Bobux fist to be added

my ass adding coins to the coin railgun combo:

juggernaut + radius fist = minos prime fight

parry heal in AO when

Imagine the lucky fist idea from the other AA trello gets added :skull:

what was the lucky fist idea?

I think it was something similar to combat but you had a random chance to deal like up to 4x damage in a hit

knocking fist but you dont know pressure points

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Ye basically but i think it was 2-3x dmg

Basically that drunk fist but dmg instead of size

It’s been 2 months by now and we are already at 6.4k Jeez.

the forumers are multiplying

Activity has increased as we creep ever closer to AO paid access, plus anime YouTubers are making vids about AO and how they’ve been waiting for it and shit, so some people like that have been joining and stuff too

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punch :fist_right: :frsleepin:

if you have 5 small magic jumps and 1 huge one do they go on cooldown at the same time?


i hope that m1s arent good at all