Restore my data if you can pls

Then leave society.

  • List item

lol this is funny, and no one was insulting anyone you people are babies. And cutecat i have 13k items i can give you some stuff


bruh but calling someone that is more worse dickhead

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Sorry Iā€™d rather return or at least go to to the holy god of memes

Eh, Iā€™d argue that both were being toxic, especially when Kochkohl straight up assumed cutecat was lying without any actual evidence and then called him ā€œspedā€ for the possible act of rejoining too quickly into a game (and he also seems to assume that cutecat saw the specific post that mentioned the bug in the first place).

Not justifying cutecatā€™s responses, but Kochkohl isnā€™t exactly 100% innocent either, especially as it could be argued that he instigated the conflict.

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Idk well i got mad cos someone just accused me of something. Wont happen again.

Hey, donā€™t sweat it. Iā€™d get pissed too if someone just accused me of lying for no reason. Donā€™t mind Kochkohl, heā€™s the resident troll, since the other ones got banned/arenā€™t active right now. Just between literally everyone and me, I donā€™t think heā€™s very good at it. Mal was better by a long shot.

Return to monkey?
There are lots of proofs that Humanity isnā€™t from monkeys go check it out. Itā€™s just that we are simmuler in lots of ways.

Actually monkies evolved from humans which is why we have a tailbone while monkies have tails instead

No it is just a theory which has no actual killer proof to prove it.

Thatā€™s why in Planet of the Apes thereā€™s no monkies since itā€™s actually the monkies orchestrating everything

@JUMBO letā€™s not go off topic.

The monkies have evolved a higher thinking and are leaving us for interstellar travel

A dev will close this topic if we talk about something that is irrelevant to the topic.

And itā€™ll be your fault

Excuse me? Care to explain how?

i have too many monkey pictures

Iā€™ve already flagged this topic lmao no point of having it up anymore.