Savant will get an extra fighting style or magic, and depending on what gets added, it could be really annoying.
possibility 1, an ice fighting style gets added. in this situation you get ash magic, 2 FS, thermo fist, and the ice fighting style, as well as a sunken sword.
you can see where this may be going, petrify, freeze, petrify again (this is going to be the trend)
possibility 2, an ash weapon gets added. you take whatever, thermo fist, ash weapon, sunken sword (assuming there both not swords), and ice magic (add magic/FS)
possibility 3, triple freeze option. they add an ice weapon, take whatever, get ice magic, sailor fist, sunken. combining will make every attack you have beside base magic freeze (if not on cooldown)
possibility 4 (most likely) add a fire weapon. get fire weapon, thermo fist, sunken, 2 magics, ash and ice.
possibility 5 (possible as soon as you get awakening 2 assuming knocking fist is already in). knocking fist (its the one with electricity effects right?) water and ice magic, sunken sword, (if they add ice weapon take it). not the best build but with some attack size you will have nice AoE after a freeze and may actuelly get to use it
sry if this is long i just had random ideas that could be horrid