Seasonal rant number #26359 by this person

I mean even I am a little biased towards it, but it definitely needs to be done, at least it should be obtainable even if it’s super hard in some sort of way, you need to look at it objectively.

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True, I’ve seen some people who’ve done nothing but fish sunkens for like 1000 hours.

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I Dont fully see the problem with having a highly valued item that gains value as it gives people something to work towards though I don’t feel a complete upheaval of the current economy would work and at the end of the day the headless is just a way for people to securely get late game items which I feel adds some level of reward towards people who put the time in

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Tbh I’d be fine if it were kept unobtainable or made obtainable but really hard, since as I said above it’s the only seasonal most people actually put a lot of effort to get, and it’s just 1 item while the rest of seasonals are 16 (or is it 15 idk), and having 16 super valuable unobtainable hard as fuck to get items w trading just is not good for the economy

My honest reaction when an antler from 2019 is worth theos’ legendary weapon

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Tbh I agree headless is fine as it was always meant to be like this but other seasonal r shouldn’t be this valuable tbh I feel a good way to drop their value us if Halloween event comes back with all normal seasonals being obtainable but the final piece you get from obtaining all of them different

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Those are a separate thing from seasonals, basically just buyable themed vanity

Seasonals are technically themed vanity too but I don’t think this idea is related to seasonals or meant to replace them

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Despite the amount of traders that would lose their fucking minds if it happened, I think the WoM seasonals (4th of July set, Halloween set) should be made available again during their respective seasonal events in AO, as additional loot to chase alongside the new seasonal loot we’ll be getting for these times of year.

There’s really no need for permanent exclusivity of certain items from a game that’s effectively been deleted. Like someone else in this thread said, the fact that someone who got a Headless Head in WoM (because they played the game at a point where it was dying from lack of content and replayability while other people did better things with their time) can have an inventory more valuable than someone who’s sunk hundreds of hours into AO based off of one item alone is just dumb.

imo cosmetics should never be considered more valuable than actual gear and armor

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limited cosmetics sound like the worst possible combination for a game economy

ngl this does sound pretty ok

vetex doesn’t have to do a lot of work

  • theres still unique stuff every time the event revisits (ex: 2023 halloween we get a full skull as the final cosmetic)

He should fix that dupe exploit first

I feel it would work as the value of normal seasonal drops greatly and the value of headless dipping slightly but also adding more depth to the marketplace though the headless would still be the most valuable as there would be the fewest amount of them

Skill issue

THIS is the only correct opinion

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I’d like to preface this by saying that I probably have an extreme bias when it comes to Headlesses and seasonals, so I’d take this with more than a grain of salt.


The Headless being worth as much as it is kind of makes to me. Not a whole lot people doing the event combined with Headlesses lost in the years since then, being unique as a seasonal item in what it removing a body part, almost no one with 1 Headlesses (which probably make up the overwhelming majority of Headless owners) trading theirs away out of personal value severely restricting the demand. All that will probably make it the most valuable seasonal for the duration of AO (there’s also an additional factor I’m predicting in that the next time an event happens, players will farm the event to oblivion since most of us saw how much the past seasonals rose in value, so it’ll be pretty hard for new seasonals to stand a chance, even if they’re made more difficult to get), so I can understand why it’s worth absurdly more than the rare-tier items that exist right now.

I do find it unavoidably problematic that spending 1-2 hours getting the Headless in WoM gives an inventory boost in AO comparable to spending 10-100 hours there, however I’d argue that the Headless operates differently compared to other seasonals since most people with a Headless likely aren’t thinking about trading it away, but are committed to holding onto it, so I wouldn’t consider the Headless as damaging to the economy as common seasonals.

Still, the Headless has a very damaging effect on the economy when it comes to elite traders since I feel that’s currently the defining item when looking at the top traders.since So while I don’t consider the Headless is to be all that damaging to the average traders, it’s pretty demotivating to any new player who wants to become a top trader. I should point out though that even if seasonals didn’t exist, it would probably still be pretty easy to be demotivated since the cards are near always going to be stacked in the favor of those who played earlier and had more opportunities to take advantage of the market. Headlesses push this effect to a new extreme.

Common Seasonals

What I find horrific is the other Halloween seasonals being worth so much now. These were items valued so little during the event that I couldn’t open up an NPC shop without seeing 5-10 seasonals for sale since so many players valued their spares so little that they’d sell them for crowns. On top of that, if you ran around for 5 minutes opening chests or had ~500-1k crowns to spend in an NPC shop, you would now probably have enough seasonals to trade for a sunken item which takes hours upon hours to get. And these are actively being traded, which I find makes them much more damaging to the economy.
July 4ths have their own issue of since you could buy each of them for 100 crowns during the event, if you invested 200-300 crowns in July 4ths, you now can currently easily trade for a sunken, but I don’t really see them being traded as much compared to Halloween seasonals.

Of course, there’s a valid counterargument in how sunkens aren’t anywhere near as rare as they were back in 2020 WoM and seeing someone with a sunken isn’t anywhere near as impressive anymore as it used to be. I can also see how the sunkens get a majority of their value from their rarity, not from their utility which probably makes them being less rare more damaging to their value. But that doesn’t really take away from how sunkens take hours to get, compared to seasonals which took maybe minutes.

Should I try and make it a suggestion?

seasonals jus in a bad spot because there’s nothing to trade them for

I think you should

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