Second Week of Discussion 1: Full Release

Okay, but there’s still, like, six of the fully-scripted ones in Full Release.

To be fair Rear Admiral Amelia took a while because vetex needed to add a whole new lost magic to the game

But aside from cases like that yeah theres a big difference

oh yeah I’m definitely not saying that it’ll be easy

I’m sure there wouldn’t be an astronomical amount of complaints if we got another Iris, where it’s just a regular NPC with a better health bar, and a slightly different looking magic to a base magic.

Leviathan could get away with that, provided that she can attack with waves, which I’m sure is simple enough.

Vetex just posted his personal plans in Patreon chat. I’m not gonna reveal but it’s going to take a while.

Not anything like TGR, but there are plans which would change AO as a whole. Not just the environment, not just the content, but likely combat and build diversity

Also Vetex is adding more music lets go

Me when I develop a game without designing it beforehand, forcing me to redevelop it all over again because I didn’t build it off of a good design (I did not prototype any gameplay loop at all).

This is actually so sad, so many hours of development wasted on something that would eventually be remade…

Anyhow, I’m really hoping that we get warden/oracle builds by full release (not that I think they’ll be available by then) and that the expected events are actually fun instead of being yet another form of grind (AO has had this problem since Arcane Adventures).

Technically this is already attempt number 4, with OF, AA, and WoM.
This community should be used to it.
I’m glad he’s not afraid to improve.

Nerf cannon fist (begin unable to damage ships) or let explosion magic do same


trigger happy patreon man

I assumed that since it wasnt technically a “leak” (no watermark plus wasnt posted in the patreon sneaks channel) it would be fine to post

no mods have smited me yet so i should be fine…

which channel pookie

empires discussion thread

Pretty sure that’s still a leak

nuh uh

in vetcord?

ohhh it was posted in patreon chat which is basically the only place where vetex talks

It’s not that he didn’t design or prototype the game - he owns a private trello board on which he plans content miles ahead of it being made and a team of dedicated playtesters to test and provide feedback for WiP features prior to committing to an implementation, much like you would when prototyping - it’s that once you send out your game to the masses you realize certain aspects of that design aren’t as well-thought-out or fun to interact with as they seemed while in development and testing, in addition to which you start loosening up on design decisions which you arrogantly stood by in the past once you let some critique bleed through and realize “hey, maybe these guys aren’t so clueless and I did fuck up” or once you trudge past the “this is going to be a pain in the ass to change so I’m not gonna” motivation drain


You are currently implying two scenarios, both of which are flawed.

  • Scenario A: There was no prototyping done
  • Scenario B: Prototyping was done, but a non-prototyped feature made it obsolete

No, I’m saying there was prototyping but the feature turned out shit and it didn’t matter

I unintentionally implied there was no prototyping because I don’t know how to speak english