Second Week of Discussion 5: The Story

Yeah I definitely get the frustration, but things seem to, for the most part, get better as we go along so at the very least when things finally settle we should have a decent product by the end of it.

vetex always answers lore questions so he likely has it all planned out but alot of it is just unknown to us as of yet

When it comes to the major story beats yeah, its more details that don’t directly change the current story that change a lot which is what we’re referring too. Like what determines someone’s ability to use magic, whether or not Morock actually exists, and the state of awakening in canon(though I personally don’t think that one in particular actually ever changed Vetex just had some bad wording that made it so you could interpret it as having been made non-canon at some point)

i.e. all files that didn’t go through build-making, I don’t even have a single fair amulet on the level 140 ice conjurer that I made on week 2 of early access.

Player Character’s personality and motivations

Honestly, everything in the bronze sea was very forgettable

Also, Morden’s side of the story

I think the early bronze story is weak at best. Before Cirrus everything is a bit unclear. Redwake is a great introduction but Frostmill sometimes feels a bit weird. You kill the bandits and suddenly know what to tell Enizor.

Cirrus is great at building up the world. Ren mentioning ‘Sea Curse’ before you are told what it is I think is quite a good idea. Talos is great, Ravenna is pretty good and the Windrow is the same.

First part of Nimbus is probably where we’re getting to the better part. I don’t usually like namedropping the villains the way Vetex did but I think it works. It makes sense that Nilah wants to warn us of exactly what we’re up against rather than ‘eh yeah they have curses gl’

Journals are a pretty good way of character development as for Bronze especially we don’t see them much. I would like to see Vetex putting a bit of focus on characters through our interactions though. Iris talking about her family was a good start.

My predictions is that we either absorb another soul of a god in Skyhall, to prevent us getting stomped by Keraxe, or Akeem, Nilah and Morden will carry the inevitable Son of Wotan fight.

MC does have a certain personality. Its subtle, but its there. (It def can be improved on the further we go)

Same can be said on motivation, we’re literally playing an amnesiac who has no idea of what theyre supposed to do, and theyre meant to figure it out along the way

That’s kinda tricky to do though because Vetex kinda wants us to make up our own personality since it is our character, same with their background

Wait, didnt Vetex say that MC is technically their own character in the past?