Dm me if interested: MrTheBest2#8421
Strong purple wizard robes - 700 crowns/smoke arrows
Strong poor power amulet - 400 crowns/smoke arrows
Strong brown wizard pants - 300 crowns/smoke arrows
Bursting cobalt valk (best enchant possible for it) 300 crowns/smoke arrows
Strong pink wizard hat - 300 crowns/smoke arrows
Clean lvl 60 dull defense amulet - 200 crowns/smoke arrows
Clean lvl 60 cobalt wizard robes - 200 crowns/smoke arrows
Strong iron helmet - 100 crowns/smoke arrows
No trying to haggle the prices down or trading me things, i just want crowns/smoke arrows. These prices are already pretty low anyway.
ill buy the strong pink wizard hat and the strong power amulet
do you still have the strong brown wizard pants?
If you do I would like to buy it
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