alright so we’ll probably get upgrades to the range directly from quests

we’ll also probably get upgrades for
A. see if someone has your poster
B. visual highlights of those you sense
C. hiding yourself from sensing
my guesses are:
level ~50: first unlock sensing (naturally cause the player is just built like that), should work across an area the size of darkpine
level ~100: quest you can get from someone powerful, like maybe ambanes at sailors lodge, to expand sensing radius to an area the size of dawn island
level ~125: sense to detect intent (see if someone has your poster or not)
level ~220: maybe cinthia (lady at makrinaos) can give a quest to expand sensing radius again, this time to the size of palo town
level ~300: sense to clearly visualize (see people’s direct outlines rather than a large aura)
level ~400: sensing radius upgrade again, now to the size of wind-row
level ~500: upgrade to lower your energy amount so you cant be seen unless you’re up close
level ~600: sensing radius upgrade to the size of ravenna cause atp the player would just be that cracked
iirc in AA sensing had no range limit
lore doc says it has a range limit 
Nice. Like the details.
Personal opinions:
Sensing blocking should not be passive but active, like normal blocking (obv this if normal sensing is also active, especially the part about sensing intent/if someone has your poster (liked that part))
Maybe sensing intent and visualising unlocking lvls should be swapped. Idk, just feels like it’s easier to learn to find someone’s whereabouts than what he’s planning to do.
i was thinking that too
tell that to vetex not me, he wrote the lore doc (or tech idk)
How far you could sense depended entirely on how high the target’s power level was. So NPCs like Theos and Arsen could be sensed from several islands away, maybe even across the whole sea (I don’t remember that well).
I really hope this is a thing that would be sweet
We will use anything as a unit of measurement except for any standardized system.
Anyways, by the size of ravenna do yoy mean from the center or from one end to the other?
that doesn’t help, ravenna isn’t a perfect sphere, it’s more like an oval
diameter which way though 
How about passively sensing if someone not in your party is casting while you are out of combat
Like a marker pointing towards the person casting will appear warning they might be trying to attack you
And it appears even if they are out of your direct line of sight
Anti ganker alert system