Seriously though, Arcane Reborn is bad


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i didnt play arcane reborn can somebody say what was shit?

the community.
i heard its very toxic, prob more toxic than suncringe.

The bug hell and toxic community.

AL:R is the shit

Alright even though I can see the imgflip watermark at the bottom it is hilarious still.

my lord you have no idea the how toxic it is

the people are quite active and theres a lot of them and when they learn of ao i assume a lot of them will move over so im just waiting for it to happen

the guilds are the worst from what i can tell

It’s like you’re saying AA,Wom and AR are games in a triology and vetex made all of them and they’re the worst game among them. No AR is just a remake and obviously it won’t be as good as AA or Wom itself :fr:

Alright, take AA right?
Fill it with bugs.
Fill it with “revamped” islands that all somehow look terrible (Though some are better)
Add some bullshit bosses that make no sense
Remake the lore to make sure that its full of plotholes
Make the community an absolute garbage toxic hell-hole
Take legendary weapons, and make them the most common shit
Take the meta, and amplify it to the max. No meta? No win for you.
Take impact fist, and just keep it lmao that shit was busted from AA

Even vetex says the game is gay, the bugs are insane

The bosses are part of the lore wdym?

Yeah but the way you’re supposed to fight them or figure out how they work make no fucking sense lmao

The only good thing ill say is the anti-exploits I tried multiples times and all my accounts got banned but everything else is bad :nauseated_face: