Shiansi24’s stupid Elden Ring thread


I’ve decided to turn this into silly little thread where I talk about Elden Ring and stuff teehee!!!

Shh, I know this is a forum about Arcane Odyssey but I’ve noticed quite a few of you play the silly, and there isn’t really much to discuss about AO atm.

I am an int + dex user and an idiot. Everytime I run out of FP, I two hand my sword and run towards the enemy and beat the shit out of them or get beaten the shit out of depending on the situation, and then realise I have the blue flask.

I was doing PvP with my friend earlier. I was low on FP and noticed it, but my mind kept going BLUE FLASK! TWO HAND! BLUE FLASK! TWO HAND! in the span of 5 seconds while he who was over 2x my level in weaponry and status was CHARGING TOWARDS ME

Do I have the sword monkey disease or smth

You have the “I play dexterity” disease, you have to invest all of your points into strength for it to stop.
Source: trust me bro.

lemme guess, moonveil

REAL dex users go for the jetstream Sam build

In all fairness I do want the star-lined sword but I haven’t done the dlc yet
because the moonveil is lame af

Just dodge


strength builds will say this shit and then spam jump heavies like their life depends on it lmao

You mean crouched attacks?

depends on the weapon

sorry for the bump but i am here to update that i am now dex + int and not the other way around

you’ve gone from nerd to femboy, good job

i got beaten up because i didnt invest in enough endurance to wear actual cool armor for poise im still wearing rennala’s bathrobes

bbut female homo sapiens… :((

well congrats on the transition then

fat rolling is best rolling

there are two types of elden ring players

Defensemaxxingpilled vigorchad
“who needs armor when you have the dodge button”

I am both to an extent because I love learning to no hit stuff and I like pvp so having a nice HP bar is mandatory


About this, I get its obvious but never do the latter with a pve mindset because you’re going to end up running 90% of the fight without ever putting pressure on the opponent.

It also helps to NOT be scared when doing combat in general, because of panic rolls and the fact you could be doing so much more. 90% of the fights I’ve learned were by throwing myself at the boss without fear and with only melee weapons but I’m not the same as everyone else lol

I haven’t touched the game for a really long while and thus didn’t progress so take screenshot of frog