Should vetex keep AO and WoM separate?

I honestly don’t understand why he’s doing this.
WoM and AO are fundamentally different games and by separating the games he is going to lose a lot of WoM’s target audience because it’s so different.
Not only that but he has all of WoM’s assets so it wouldn’t be hard for him to separate them anyways. The least he can do is open source the map before he deletes it.
Idk what do you guys think?

most of woms target audience is gonna go straight to ao once they see the vast improvements. no point in making wom a seperate game that’ll slowly break down with exploiters, roblox bugs, and much more. its also his code and he doesn’t have to open source anything


Part of me wants vetex to archive a current version of WoM but keep it closed then reopen it a few years later. It’d be like a time capsule to see what the game used to be like.


Well WoM and AO can’t directly compare with each other, due to how different each game is. Yeah sure, you may like the changes, but as someone who deeply cares about WoM’s exploration, Npcs, and other unique things that are getting deleted in AO I’d much rather have a copy than not.

every feature in ao is basically improved from wom

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They’re both magic games with the same magic systems, just different visuals

The building style is also staying the same

It would be nice, but in the other hand. the game would begin to swarm with exploiters, and they would manage to make the game unplayable also, the game rn is dry af. the icons are already broken later on this would happen with more and more stuff due to the lack of patches

Yeah it’s fun walking halfway through the map to do a quest and going back again

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Im not so worried on the combat of AO (no one really plays it for the combat anyways since it’s too gimmicky), but I am worried how AO is completely turning into a naval game, where most of the space you have to ‘explore’ is dead space (water) with nothing in it. Atleast WoM combats this dead space with a plethora of chests and bandit camps, but I can’t see that converting nicely into AO.

the game is stale af, separating it and putting ao right next to it is going to drive away players even further. the only people who would keep playing are the ones who don’t know what ao is.

clearly you havent read enough of the trello

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Thanks dear tester for leaking it being “empty” space with no basis whatsoever

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sighs I wish I was a tester for AO, it would be so much fun. sigh

How though? It only gets stale after you’ve played it for a while and the worst it would do is give vetex a little pocket change to help fund AO.

Also @level its fucking water, it just flat out isn’t as capable of being interesting as land is. Even if you put ruins on the ocean floor that would just be like a ruins on land but with crappy water physics.

Fr, just like Earth’s oceans.

There’s nothing in an ocean but water right???

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  • diving spots
  • underwater exploration
  • sharks
  • sea bosses/monsters
  • boats
  • tsunamis and whirlpools

Yeah and WoM has

  • bandit / mc camps
  • regular exploration (no gimmicky water necessary)
  • multiple different types of fightable dynamic npcs
  • bosses that aren’t restricted to just ‘sea monsters’
  • lightning and tornados

And if we take into consideration all the (scrapped) future content like you are doing we also get

  • horses
  • earthquakes, eruptions and landslides

Now im not saying AO is going to be bad, just that i prefer walking through forests than wading through a huge ocean of nothing.

I get that the whole sea thing is different enough to prefer land exploration and I’m fine with that but…

There’s two + the alignment (unless you want to count civilians as the they literally can’t fight back type, the rest is all wizards and bandits)

They aren’t

What are you talking about, AO’s weather and temperature system is literally wom’s one but with now much more than only storms and tornadoes

Other than that, camps were fine but can easily be replaced with boats (I mean, boats are just moving base if you want to see it like that)
Land exploration is fair, although it was pretty boring due to wom’s map. Idk at least AO can allow islands with vastly different climates and people rather than just an extremely slow transition between areas with nothing special or memorable between. Land exploration can definitely be done right, can’t say wom was especially good at it tho

There are going to be a bunch of NPC ships and presumably wizards on those ships.

thats fair