All these smucks talkin about their guild and how cool it is. Us Soloers know all we need is ourselves and a worrying lack of sunlight.
Who needs a clan army when you can become a one man army?
The fleet of 17 max leveled fully geared pvp addicts heading your direction:
Time to beat every boss with the Power of Friendship!
(I love my clan!!!)
I will take them all out with the power of friendship I formed with other solo players.
The true Arcane Odyssey were the friends we made along our way
The only reason for me to join a clan is clan building
But that’s not gonna be in early acces
Honestly I’m not a big fan of WoM / AO pvp since I left a guild in WoM
I would like to go solo honestly
Being clanless is the best option fr
I’m bored
What guild were you in and why did you leave?
if you don’t feel like saying anything about it just ignore this post. I’m just asking out of curiosity and boredom.
It’s was a smaller one called stormwind and I left because one of the biggest members was manipulating me for his own pleasure, making me play games I didn’t like.
I love that you can join The grand navy and The assassin syndicate.For solo players that dont wanna join an actual clan but still wanna contribute to something you have those two factions.
pee myself
yeah! who need friends anyway!
marvelous post as always, my liege
actually this gives me an idea…
idea for clan now, solo voyagers. a clan of solo players, everyone is the same rank (a random alt as owner or something) the only point is to look like they are apart of a clan but really arn’t
I only just realized I mispelled soloers in the post.
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