Storybuilding question (changed the prompt)

what would a biologically plausible and advanced mutualistic sentient alien race look like?

mutualistic means they somehow have made this relationship on their homeworld and it can be applied to a human host.

mutualism also means both parties benefit.

approximately 1.2-1.5 gallons is in a human.

and how much is it safe to lose before you start blacking out or dying?

“The average adult will have approximately 1.2-1.5 gallons (5 litres) of blood in their body.”

“Most adults can tolerate losing up to 14% of their blood volume without physical symptoms or deviations in their vital signs.”

So around 3 cups of blood

losing more than 40% of your blood is dangerous(answers from google)

I see I see…

yo but… why…? O_O

I don’t wanna spoil it so DM me if you wanna know

it’s sci fi


thanks a lot guys this will be very useful when i harvest the organs from the children in my basement

Our answers were for the average adult, so make sure to properly research before you end up spoiling your young goods


real men harvest the elderly

get it now?

i know what were gonna do today

also another question:

would a species of hairless ape like beings similar to humans that extract blood from other mammals for sustenance and aid in reproduction biologically make sense?

i dont think so but vampire monkeys sound cool so you should do it anyway

I mean venomous primates exist


well what would be a plausible reason for a species to consume blood?

Blood is pretty hard to digest as far as I can tell. But perhaps whatever is doing it just needs a lot of iron in its diet?

Or it could filter the blood for the iron so that it could use it for some sort of natural armor?

what would make the most sense for a sapient sentient humanoid race to consume blood from a biological standpoint