Terraforming +

Terraforming + https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/4X/8/4/6/846e35afa718474e1965f82fd2495a725bea1698.jpeg
effort 3.0 2 quality 1.5 2 reasonability 1.5 2

Right now, terraforming for clan bases is really annoying… the height limit makes it so raised terrain pieces are massively inconsistent along with their stupidly picky collisions. I think we can fix this in 4 steps:

  • step 1: make a building menu button that flattens the island to sea level, also removing hazards (around the shore)
  • step 2: make it so there is only 1 type of platform-terrain height and it’s changeable (including changing the length of the terrain part that stretches to the bottom of the sea)
  • step 3: allow terrain collisions with custom terrain and natural terrain to overlap
  • step 4: change terrain placement (it gets placed at sea level but can be moved with some move tool-esque device)

With this suggestion, you can create:

customization for life :v:

When unclaiming a flattened island, all the inhabitants will be sent to the top of the build limit sphere as the island reloads

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this has a few too many problems :cold_sweat:

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what are said problems (and are they fixeable)

Mehhh, I’ll let somebody more passionate explain.

I don’t agree with basically being able to delete the whole island since everyone would just do that and interesting base designs would die.

Another issue lies in unclaiming the island.
Lets imagine for a second you’re attacking Thyros, that’s been flattened, you win and the island is unclaimed, suddenly you realize you’re in the poison hole and are dead.

I get your point about unclaiming an island would probably have issues I don’t think this is a suggestion that should be added to the game
But your example is so specific and the niche that I don’t think that will ever happen if this suggestion somewhere in an alternative universe gets added

Well even off of Thyros, when an island is uncliamed you’d have a whole island dropped on your head anyways lol

My example was just something I’d do to ruin my attacker’s day

The idea is good but it can bring various problems, specially regarding unclaiming.

Let’s say that someone has an island, and you are in said island for whatever reason and they leave, now you’re stuck inside the island and can’t get out.

There should be a certain limit to how deep you can carve an island, but the creating part is alright because it just transforms into air once unclaimed, it’s just the digging that creates issues.

okey I made an edit to hopefully fix unclaiming and elaborated further on step one

thanks for the feedback

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isn’t that like basically deleting the whole island and only leaving a rough shape of what was once there

I agree terraforming is wonky, I wish it was possible to snap together pieces of raised terrain and make more flat room for wheat farms and such but this seems a bit extreme

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