The awcane odyssey fowums but you can't use the lettew "r"

the wules awe simple. don’t use the lettew “r” in this thwead. any convewsations awe fine, just don’t use the lettew “r” and you should be okay.

wight… gweat plan…


wule bweakew!

this sounds like having a cold

i mean i don’t weally have a pwoblem with it
i mean i’m just a usew not a cop

are you renarded

congwats you now all have to speak like elmuh fudd

U kidding? Welp, I’ll act as a medium if someone can’t get what these guys saying

shut up noob

Ask Away

okay then
if you wanna be a big bitch

you wanna fucking go mate
i will deck you

illl bloody have you in a fight

we’ll see about that cunt

thats it

Screen Shot 2021-04-24 at 17.58.07
stop calling me a fox

thats it im getting my uncle on you
you fucking slag

I’ll summon my old man from his tomb bitch

i will kill him again