The Epithet Game (but better)

how close am I with them?
also next guess for 3: cost?
and for 4: dichroic? I’m gonna need some guesses to close in on the word

and similarly, good luck guessing my epithet from the previous posts, let’s see who guesses the other one’s first

even farther

just as far as distort, also take note of the first part (becoming a weaker/inferior version of something)

3: outclass?
4: rasterize?

do please try to figure out my epithet I beg you or something, it may be on the level of your round 4, but maybe a few more people have heard of the word

lemme try to guess yours:
generosity? undying? good samaritan? all i can think of is fire + generosity + death

still both very far, do you want a clue (dm or public here)?

you can dm me a clue, and if you want I can give you a clue, also none of your words are correct, or really too close to it (also I’m kinda sure good Samaritan is illegal for this since its a two word concept that can be conveyed in one word)

also lets continue the topic chain in the dm so we dont bloat this

that was a good word you had

yeah fr gg, both round 3 and 4? or only one of them?

I’d say round 4, round 3 I could eventually have closed in on even without your hint, never heard of round 4 tho.
(and if I wanted you to suffer even more I’d just pick samizdat or some other word that has all it’s roots in another fucking language)

im just wondering for round 2 and 3: were those epithets allowed to have flight ability (will explain in dms)

plagiarise? phony? scam? counterfeit?

really far
(this one is EXTREMELY hard ngl, and the word HAS NEVER BEEN SAID IN THE FORUMS BEFORE (if you search it up there’ll be 0 results))


no, still too far, but here’s a clue:


Clue: The word is German

(im thinking about if i should reveal a clue for round 3, not the same clue given to you cuz you guessed it first try? (with clue))

is it the german word for replace

yeah… also would you like to guess round 3?

I just fucking realized ersatz is used in fucking persona 5 royal and I didn’t even notice


nope, but somewhat closeish