The hype for pvp clips is getting carried by weapon skills.(currently)

Aren’t mode spells basically that AA staff thing


i wish vetex would jus thire some blender devs hell even a vfx dev

I brought this up on a post discussing the entire vid and all I got from a tester was them showing a pic of vetex saying that the pvp is clunky or whatever (it was on the og Twitter post), so the misleading visuals/bad hitboxes may have been tweaked by now though

Gonna make accounts for a lot of the available builds and see which one is best or just more fun to use

magic is garbage (unless its inferno)
real chads use the alpha male weapons build

I mean it’s not like we won’t be getting new ones for another year… unless we do.

You can’t import all blender effects into roblox, so this is what we’re stuck with

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That’s cause… they’ve been the focus so far of course they’ll be

we’re getting hover (being turned into a lost spell), mode (power-up), a dash spell, and at least 2 lost spells

this is comfronting

Gee it’s almost like magic hasn’t changed too much in revamp


we desperately need lost spells maybe even 7-10 new original spells on release.

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He’s working on other things too bro

i hope vetex will hire some devs to help him out.

Not happening. The level requirements for a lost spell is 150.

We all do :frcryin:

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Thank god

its true.