The Menace at Summer Hold

This is my first time writing any story related to WoM, If it’s complete shit, well…
Criticism would be appreciated
(Shit title ik)
here goes

Jacob Clay woke up at once. He had been woken up by a noise outside his tent. He walked outside, his magic ready…
A large bird was eating his lunch for tomorrow. He quickly ran over and scared the creature off before it could snag anymore.
It was early morning on Magius, and Jacob was a busy man.
He was a well known protector all through the eastern side of the continent. He had helped capture countless dangerous wizards, including a magic council captain who went rogue and almost completely destroyed Silent Tower.
He himself was a considerably powerful wizard, having the ability to cast 3 different magics, and quite recently had learned a lost spell.
The spell allowed him to turn any of his limbs into pure magic, making him especially dangerous up close.
Although Jacob loved defeating criminals and serving justice, when the Magic Council asked him to join their ranks he refused. He liked the idea of wandering Magius and stopping threats then sitting at a boring post waiting for a weak bandit to go the wrong way, although he offered to help them whenever he was needed.

He began his casual day, looking out for any dark wizards, bandits, pirates, and the occasional Villian in their hideout.
Today Jacob decided to venture towards Summer hold to check on his long-time friend William Auburn, a fellow wizard who decided to join the Magic Council. William was less strong then Jacob, but still could put up a hell of a fight. He was a respected captain who had decided to master wood magic. For the week, he was told to stay at summer hold to lookout for a dark wizard who had raided the grand town recently and had killed 8 magic council soldiers before escaping.

On Jacobs walk to Summer Hold, he heard a young woman screaming.
Within a instant he was at the area he heard the sound come from, and he saw a wizard holding a magic circle at a unarmed woman’s face.
As of by instinct, Jacob fired a swift bolt of fire Magic at the wizard which evaporated him.
The woman stared at Jacob in shock, had that man just been turned to dust.
She let out a faint “thank… you.” Before running off.

Jacob continues towards summer hold, and as he saw the tall and sturdy walls of the town, he couldn’t help but notice something extremely odd. The giant tower which King David Silver and his vault lied at… wasn’t there. Out of the blue he heard screams, explosions, and saw rubble fly from the city.
Something horrible was happening.

Jacob ran as fast as he could, boosting himself with his magic leaving clouds of ash behind. The city must’ve been under attack by a Dark Wizard guild.
As he reached the gates, he saw the chaos ensue. Buildings fell, magic council soldiers, captains, and scouts alike fired blasts of magic at someone.
It wasn’t a guild.
It was a single wizard.
He ran into the town, but noticed something else…
King David silver of Summer Hold was on the ground next to him. Unmoving.
He felt for a pulse, and there was something. He wasn’t dead, but he was out cold. His arm was burnt from something.
Suddenly, a gigantic blast of purple plasma erupted in the middle of the battle, wizards went flying in all directions, one of the soldiers was turned into dust. Finally, Jacob could see who was behind it all. A single wizard stared at him menacingly, before being hit in the head by a ball of glass.
The man fired a smaller ball of sand right at the soldier who threw the ball, while Jacob took cover behind a destroyed building.

He was screwed. How the hell would he stop this guy? Taking on a MC battalion was one thing, but knocking out King David? That was something Jacob would struggle to do. King David had completely mastered Fire, which made fighting him incredibly dangerous unless you had water magic.

William was alive. He had ran over straight to Jacob without being noticed.
“This guy is INSANE. What do we do? Do we call reinforcements? He killed 2 captains!”
A sudden wave of relief came upon Jacob.
“Will, thank god your ok. I don’t know what to do, no. If we call more of your soldiers he’ll just kill the-“

The rubble they were hiding behind was blast forward by another ball of plasma. The man had killed or scared off the remaining soldiers.
His cold, green eyes stared at both Will and Jacob
“Oh… shit.”
Jacob quickly evaluated the magics he had: Fire, ash, and magma. This man seemingly only had Sand and a advanced form of Plasma. The ash blasts would get destroyed by the plasma, and the fire would only block it. His best bet would be to make his arm into magma, and charge him.
Jacob uses his lost spell, and rushed the man. He threw a ball at the man which stopped the sand ball that had been thrown at him. He reached the man and delivered a swift punch in the face, leaving a very noticeable burn mark. The man screamed in pain, but persisted.
This time, his magic wasn’t sand, or plasma. No, it was a odd, mysterious blue circle.
“What The hell is that, some sort of blue plasma?”
The man fired a bolt of blue flames at Jacob, his volcano arm taking the hit. He flung backwards and crashed into the wall.
William somewhat got a idea of what to do, and using the little time they had left before the man strikes, he created a magic circle with a symbol of wood, and fired a barrage of solid wood logs.
Without missing a beat, the man fired a condensed ball of the mysterious blue flame, it burnt through each and every log almost instantly, and hit Will square in the chest. He too was launched backwards to where King David Silvers unconscious body lay.

Will was heavily injured, and Jacob was in a confused state. What kind of magic was that. He has never heard of blue flames before.

The man laughed and laughed, it was clear he had already won the fight.
Even a powerful wizard couldn’t stand a chance against him. Even the magic council couldn’t.
Finally, he made two magic circles resembling the blue flame on each hand, and aimed them at the two wizards who foolishly tried to stop him. He gave one last laugh… Jacob closed his eyes. This was the end.

As both blue balls were fired, another wizard from the magic council. He swiftly intercepted the fire balls with his mastered shadow magic.
The man with blue fire was astonished. How did-

The magic council Major unleashed a multitude of barrages straight at the man before he could react. Each and every bolt that hit his body made him feel weaker.
The barrages ended, and the Major let out a another blast of his shadow magic.
The man tried to resist the fatigue the shadow magic gave him, but it was no use. The man fired one last blast of the strange and powerful blue flames at the Major, which he again easily intercepted, before collapsing on the floor,
The shadows had eaten him from the inside.
The menace was dead.

William woke up in a comfortable bed. He was no longer at summer hold, but instead at Citrine town. Jacob sat down beside him.
“You took a hell of a hit, man. How are you feeling?”
William noticed his chest was fine aside from a few burn marks.
“They patched you up using life magic, you should be good to go.”
William got out of bed and walked outside, it was a nice, beautiful day.
“What happened? I couldn’t see or hear anything, I was in too much pain…”
“Oh, well, for starters, the man is dead. August Salore got him”
Williams face went from a tired look to a confused and surprised expression.
“The magic council Major?! Thats the guy who hired me!”
“Yup, he came to help and handled the situation fairly easily from what I could tell.”
Had they both gotten their ass kicked for no reason?
At the very least, the man was dead. The threat was resolved, magius was safe…
“And also, that magic he had, the blue flames… well…”
“Apparently it’s a ‘ancient magic’ known as inferno. He got it from some scroll that allowed him to learn it somehow. It’s insanely powerful magic. That’s why he was able to overpower the council and even King David.”

Jacob and William walked towards the entrance of Citrine town.
“Welp, you oughta stay here and await further orders from your Major. I’ll see you soon, I got some criminals to catch. If you ever need me, you know what to do.”
William nodded.
“Thank you for helping. You probably saved my life more then August did.”

Jacob walked into the sun he felt very relaxed. That man was a powerful one, and surely killing him could bring peace to magius.

If only it were that simple.