This happened to me in wom 2day

i was just walking 2 castellan 2 enchant my sword then i met a villan snow magic user (epic and rare) and i went 2 him cuz i wnted to make a friend since i have got lvl80 and good chants wom is geting boring so i talked 2 him and he was not respnding so that was rude >:/ so i was hiting him and he jumped and hit me with snow magic but i hit him be4 so i had more life and i was thinking i will win but he beat me and chase me 2 graveyerd and he throw snow balls on me and i was red life so i said sorry i accidently hit u and he stoped and was like well i forgive u if u take my seed and there is no seed magic right guys so i was like huh??? And then he said ill give u my seed anyway and he shot me with snow and i died and he was laughing guys what do this mean im scard did he did something 2 my charcter??? Im too scared to check

he planted his seed in you… run before it’s too late

Huh looks like that magic some people were talking about was actually added in.

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i cant read this

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i shall let your purity be kept
you’re far too young to know, youngling

My brain is fried even further but I love this topic nonetheless