Thoughts on 1.16 balance doc?

Your statement is so stupid I don’t know if it’s satire or not.
Startup has been nerfed multiple times, never correctly since Vetex just declined the balance team’s change and did his own shitty change that fixed nothing.
I’m still absolutely stunned on how there’s so much complaining about this change, it’s not even a nerf.

It arguably is a nerf, with armour piercing defense is less viable.

not really, just swap an armour enchant for a brisk one

So since you have no more arguments to defend your stupid take, you resort to posting stupid shit?

Please keep it civil… the last PVP topic devolved into name calling.

It’s just genuinely pathetic, he has no argument to defend his point so he posts a stupid meme thinking it makes him cool

If it’s not a nerf… then just don’t touch sunkens?? I don’t really see why they did it, unless it’s just to make us regrind dark sea scrolls. (yay!!1! not painful at all!11!!)

It’s to make it so Sunkens aren’t necessarely the best way to stack substats, unless you’re running 450 substat this change won’t affect you

why not. you called my statement stupid. if what you say is true and it is indeed flat -% reduction, then players having -20 to -30% startup reduction at this point in the game isnt ideal. it still needs to go through more nerfs considering the planned max is 600 and we are only like 136

Firstly people are getting WAY more than 30% startup reduction.
Secondly the formula scales with (MAX) Level so future lvl scaling is less of a problem than you think.
Thirdly, I didn’t say nerfing Startup was stupid, when Vetex actually listens to the balance team it’ll be done, it’s that it doesn’t fix the Sunken Warrior/Iron problem.

why do people even get mad at substat changes anymore. they change these legitimately every 7 seconds

just wait 5 years until the game is half done so stat progression actually makes sense

there is no problem. the problem has been made up. there is a reason why a majority of the community doesnt feel negatively towards sunken items rn. You don’t need sunken items to make a viable pvp/pve build

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you’re right, it isnt a nerf. but it isnt much of a buff either. It does almost nothing

at this point just embrace the stat inflation, ya it was bad but we got so used of them that they became good, the main problem was the formula not being too strict, just making it so getting 75% atk speed should req way more atk speed

You do.

nah, ive done plently of builds without sw or minimal sw (1 at most), sw is just as fine as it is, bteam is smoking the drugs again

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The enchant nerf is actually stupid, and I hope it isn’t done
At the rate the balance team is taking us, we will be level 30 by the end of nimbus

thats subjective

Guys… please don’t let it devolve into your word against his, its not constructive, and it will more than likely lead to something silly like name-calling