Thoughts on 1.16 balance doc?

ao forums on pvp topic:



This is not ok

How the fuck are we supposed to dodge that shit NOW

Supposedly only the base size, not max level size

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Modified glassmancer exists. Also sunken is literally supposed to be the best? Why should it be rarer than nearly all items in the game when all those other items are as good as sunkens?

Also why did calvus gear get nerfed a bunch of times if gear diversity is what the balance team is after

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I swear they were more efficient pre nimbus, what changed? Atleast i know charged was the most efficient enchant pre nimbus

Edit: not that it matters much anyways since barely anyone uses charged for armor

What’s displayed here looks fine to me, tbh. Tier-2 enchants always were a bit powerful for my tastes. I just hope VETEX NERFS THE HECKING NPCS TO OUR LEVEL FOR ONCE.

Why is it that NPCs our level just seem to have objectively better stats?


Charged was pre nimbus yeah, ever since nimbus they’ve been less effecient due to Vetex weird numbers, like how atlantean essence gives 38 substat instead of 39 for some reason

1.18 gonna make everything do 1 dmg

wait a second, y’all are telling me that the near-useless Regen stat is getting nerfed more? Getting Regen to be useful requires making an entire gear build centered around it, so what’s the point in nerfing it again?

Did the B-Team have a divorce Thermo Fist or something?


Balance team on their way to make every new stat useless by nerfing them :speaking_head:

regen is becoming additive instead of multiplicative, so it only nerfs builds that were regening 50/tick by stacking max regen + vitality + recovery V and etc

hoping warden is fun but now funny regen stat is going to be less useful. resistance wardens on the other hand

Hear me out Vatrachos Healing with a bunch of power

painite for more defense

Basically the balance team decided that exotic enchants make up 25% of a build and that’s too much? That is an ideal amount tbf bru


They are basically reworking the armor in combat so your stat points are somehow make up for it?

Oh so it prolly got rounded down then or smth. Alr ty for the explanation

what was bro supposed to say

parry it bruh
it was already easy to dodge anyway