Throwing daggers at a destroyed silent tower causes the debris to freak out

why did you report this

I will pulverize you again.

did u just reported one of the fun bugs of the game?

Why man? Butā€¦ Does this work with a spear?

come on dude theres no tactical advantage of this its just fun to look at come onnnnnn (besides for when rubble does damage)

oh no im about to miss something funny
guess i should try before it gets repaired

that would actually be fun,you just yeet a building at someone. this should happen with normal blasts anyway

Technically, you reported it in #game-discussion

no I didnā€™t report it? if I did it wouldā€™ve been something like ā€˜ā€˜blah blah dagger wall big boom bugā€™ā€™ and I just made a meme out of it

There doesnā€™t have to be a tactical advantage to it.

All Iā€™m saying is you canā€™t get mad at me for bringing it to the attention of the mods if you had already posted it on the forums.

all Iā€™m saying is you posting this in bug reports is dumb

fair enough

Looks like the fish thing, but bigger

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