Trade Heavy WoJ for Powerful Sunken Iron Armor

Title says it all
Discord: tide#6996

Give me around 25 more heavy woj’s and you got yourself a deal :thumbsup:

this mf a menace to the marketplace


at least it got better, theres someone out there willing to finish my build

can we ban you from the marketplace? it was funny the first time, its not anymore.
in fact, can we just get rid of the marketplace until ao? it only exists for children to offer crowns for sunkens

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just go be a keyboard warrior somewhere else and turn your notification’s off from here, u mad weird bro, just tryna get some chances but u like an 80 yo woman talkin bout taxes needing to be paid when a kid grows up

im not the one who cant offer a fair trade for a sunken tho


keep wasting your time. :clown_face:

This guy hasn’t been in the marketplace for a week and people already hate him, how do you do that


Proceeds to say

Also what kinda insult in this?

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uh LOL?
Well I can offer boss armors if you want.


:fr: fuck off

Bruh these trades :moyai:


Nah you tweakin

This kid is high off of imagination

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