Trading Mino Helm (80), Mino Chestplate (70), Exiled Chestplate (50), for Wall of Jericho (Any Level and Any Enchant)

Do you think this same trade im doing but instead of sunken sword, a wall of jericho would be fair?

Good choice. Shields are amazing for magic mains (which are currently just better than magic mains)

For your 2nd comment: you would be overpaying by a lot

Oathkeeper alone is worth more than a woj so :man_shrugging:

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You know what, in hindsight that’s true. I experimented with my strength setup, and I found myself reaching for the SS a lot more.


Ok, I think ill edit my trade

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Huh, thats weird, #trading my post didnt change.

on the discord server

hey uh i wanna trade with you, can we? I have ATON of jericho’s anyway

All gud :frsleepin:


where can i contact you? on discord?


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