Trading question

Is a Sunken Sword worth a Vastira and some Magic Size enchanted Sunken Boots? If specific enchants are at play here, then just mention the cheapest variant of the sunken I can buy.

If you’re trying to get the sunken sword and can pull that trade off.
Do that… then trade the sunken sword to somebody for a headless because sunken sword is going to be worthless after TGR drops.

If you just want the sunken sword for the sunken sword, then don’t do that because Vastira is going to become ######## and it’ll probably hold more value later than the base sunken stuff ever could.

Anyways, the cheapest sunken sword is probably the hard sunken sword… which I suspect may end up being better than strong when TGR drops because it’ll become bursting and get a static 15% attack size boost.

wait why is Sunken gonna be worthless post-TGR
It’s the first weapon to have special skills for itself

Well after TGR I believe there’s gonna be more sunken items added plus the current sunken items I also believe only go up to Level 100

Ah, I see. Thanks.
Anyways, could I get away with trading this bursting sunken leggings for an oathkeeper in that case, or is that pushing my luck?

It might be possible and if you can manage it, go for it.

Trading something that will 100% be worthless later for something that will most likely only gain in value as time passes is always going to be a good trade.

alrighty then I’ll sure as hell try
they do appear to be bursting legs but whatever

Before i start off, retribution and star this post isnt entirely for you guys (since most of my points arent about your comments) unless you wanna read it. I quoted you to give some extra info/discuss/explain something to you but all the other info is probably irrelevant to you. If you want to read it tho feel free to

no, it will be hard to outclass such a good weapon UNLESS 3 other better weapons actually get added into the game which isnt that big of a chance.

really depends. Most likely wont happen tho since boss gear would probably not be compensated into something better than sunkens. And even if it does the thing with boss gear is that its widespread. Its hard to increase its value if its so common. Vastiras especially out of all boss weapons.

other then those points i do agree with you.

this could be the case. But again just like my earlier point about sunken swords value: is vetex really gonna add 3 weapons that outclass it?? since its the best weapon in the game rn (not including shields). Also the lvl 100 cap for sunkens isnt confirmed but it would be logical since its basically just magified (if thats even a word) iron gear.

overpay in the current market (as to why see my next point to theoretical starting with “even then”)

it really depends on boss drop compensation and new gear being added in ao. Tho i do agree that sunken gear (not the sword) will probably take a huge value drop. And i feel like youre thinking that boss drops are becoming seasonals as to which i have this:

Theyre gonna be more useful. How are seasonals useful? they arent so that should confirm (unless they have a change of heart) that they wont be seasonals in ao

even then retribution could get like 4-6 oathkeepers out of those sunken boots if he really wanted. So not a good trade either way.

P.S: Fuck why did i make such a big response lmfao

fuck you should’ve told me.
god dammit.

the boots you traded to me are swift sunken boots which are only worth 2-3 oathkeepers (3 oaths being a little on the overpay side)

you didnt lose too much value in that, and if you want to know something: oaths are amazing rip off material. The average player loves oaths

very interesting.
I’ll look into that then.

yeah but like you only got like 1 oath :trollhd:

this was from yesterday can you kindly shut the fuck up?

no :troll:

okay then

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