Trading Strong OathKeeper and Heavy WoJ for Strong SS

:skull: he can’t come back after that

nuclear was just pointing out what was wrong with your trade values lmao, don’t go malding on us

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like I said. shitass trade. don’t even bother.

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The Post itself wasnt the joke, idk how you thought that was the case, idk why people go straight to insulting people just because I have a little less knowledge on trading, calm down your ego, it’s Roblox Fairy Tail

they didn’t go straight to insulting you smh. lmao? you disrespected nuclear and they disrespected you back, you ain’t a victim here.


dont even bother with him

nearly everything he says is hypocritical af. So either hes tryna be a troll or hes just plain dumb and in both cases theres really no reason to continue talking to him.
Remember that guy who randomly posted nsfw in my dms cuz i didnt wanna trade with him? ye thats him lol

i will harass you wiht amogus nsfw fanfics until free sunken

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RIP Nuclearman7 ??/??/??? - 10/6/2021

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@KingDube321 Here hold this, it’s a gift for you, you will need it because I don’t


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