Trading Sunkens For Seasonals

Dm me at armada#0001 or reply here if interested.

(Stuff Equipped Not For Trade)

you can probably get a full 2-3 headlesses for this

My god, how long did this take you to get?

he probably autofished for it or got incredibly lucky with 2 hard sunken legs that were the same level


definitely not 3 lol

one halloween seasonal owned by yours truly for all your sunkens


is 11 halloween seasonals enough for the swift sunken sword? Because that’s all I have.

way too little

ok, i barely have anything

How many accounts were autofishing? I mean at once, like 2-3 roblox clients were openned?

This guy is sitting here with 30+ sunkens while I have absolutely 0

Macroing people just destroying sunken’s value. I mean, if people continue using it, sunkens will be as common as common\uncommon items are.

bro wdym :skull:
u can get this many sunken without even picking up a fishing rod

But someone got them, right? I don’t think every sunken on this image was fished up by legal players.

you ‘dont think’ huh. thats crazy
I get ur point but no need to throw accusations on some guy just tryna make a trade

he’s a well known trader bro :skull_and_crossbones:

thats an exaggeration but i get your point. But at the end of the day the current sunkens will be outclassed by other items at some point so it doesnt really matter too much

wouldnt really call him a trader, more of a fisher who occasionally trades his sunkens but ye i doubt him not being legit

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It is impossible to say for sure that all those sunkens were obtained by him, and if he received them during the trade, then it is not known how the player who traded them to him received them. (I doubt known traders trading for sunkens only with people they know).

Next time, call the elder when you do not understand the meaning of my words. Apparently you are fixated on old words and think that I am repeating the same thing, and not moving on to another cause of the problem.
I ask you not to respond to this message in advance, because time costs money or information, but you cannot provide me with either, unlike other participants in the conversation who argue more logically.