terrible idea (you could easily just fish a sunk then magically have it on every slot); highly abusable system. That’s that, it probably won’t happen.
how is this abusable, it just lets you change which file has what items
ohno you can use the same sunken sword on all slots which will take preparation
my way to balance this (so it is not a single shared inventory basically) is that you can send items to your other save and it will arrive in 30 minutes from when you send it to the other save so that you cant just exchange and basically have a shared inventory
but this way you have to plan ahead what to transfer
that’s an incredibly stupid point.
anybody that expects somebody to grind for sunken gear on multiple files is stupid.
they’ll just use a friend or an alt to transfer them anyways.
Finally, the suggestion not we wanted, but the suggestion we needed.
I could easily see a dupe being found due to this, and you aren’t supposed to share items between slots in the first place.
mfw i use my alt to transfer my items instead
yeah sure it saves the trouble of my pc taking on fire cuz of having 2 AO’s at the same time
dude people can do that anyway with another device. people who have no friends on AO or no 2nd device can’t, giving the others an advantage.
oh shit that’s a good point
not true. I can open two roblox accounts on the same computer. One being from the microsoft store and the other being from the online webpage itself.
True enough, but not everyone’s pc can handle that and not enough people know about it.
then patch it, a possible bug shouldn’t deter from a great quality of life feature
but not all devices can handle that
skill issue honestly
shit point, you can do it with alt accounts already, so it’s literally just a QoL. and also it kinda makes having your different slots on different accounts a better option than buying more slots on your main acc, so less money for veeetex