I’m trying to get into drawing as a hobby and seeing as theres a decent amount of artists here, I’d like to get some critique or advice to improve. I started last summer and I’ve mostly drawn off and on either doing scratchwork or trying to learn anatomy. I haven’t taken any classes yet, mostly looked at a couple books and youtube videos.
So far, I struggle the most with perspective, shading (honestly havent even tried much), and faces (not much practice either). Especially with faces, drawing matching eyes or repeating/transposing intricate details gets me the most. (ik this is the kinda thing you get better at with time)
Another thing is I’ve only used pencil and paper and idk if I want to move to digital art. Being able to create layers for outlines as well as zooming in or undo would make things alot easier. I’d like to know if its worth it to get a tablet or even just a stylis for an ipad. (again idk if im this serious into art)
tldr; new to art, and I want geniune critique/adivce. Here’s what I have so far:
Most recent and probably the one that im actually proud of, took about 2 hours (again something that’ll get faster with experience).
(a bit old, probably the one I’m least happy with,
looks really flat and proportions for head and legs feels off)