Very serious: Racism

My existence alone has caused one of my family members to do a racism against me

(Other than that I don’t experience much racism at all)

And I hate people who wear crop tops.

They’re the most ridiculous looking shirt to ever have been invented or made. What makes your belly button so special? You’re making yourself look more ridiculous by wearing that tight shirt on your chest.

I get called the hard r every other day.

Micro aggression doesn’t mean shit to a man who doesn’t give any.

Not rlly, since I’m a taiwanese living in Taiwan.
But I do hear lots of stories of racism.

dont ban me plz

Fuck y’all racists go chop off ye thing, we don’t need ye bloodline reproducing in this world.

youre allowed to speak the truth

the worst thing thay happened to me was getting called a monkey. as a black dude. twice

yes, i got called the n word by a guy in a younger year (i absolutely clobbered that mf afterwards)

To put it simply, historical weight and context. The notion of hating black people is one that, for many centuries, was responsible for the unimaginable suffering and oppression of many black people throughout history. So in some people’s eyes, for someone today to say they hate black people it means they align themselves with these ideologies that lead to the aforementioned suffering. (And this doesn’t only apply to black people, but many races & cultures across the world affected by things such as colonialism, eurocentrism, colourism, etc.)

On the other hand, cases throughout history where the hatred of British culture lead to large-scale oppression are much harder to find, since nations like Britain aren’t exactly renowned oppressed. So while hatred for black people is rooted in centuries of oppression, it can be harder to make that same case for certain other cultures.

I’m not necessarily saying that ‘you can’t be racist to British people’, nor do I think it’s okay to hate a British person just cause of their race, I’m just explaining why for most people there’s such a big difference between the two phrases you were comparing



Where do you live??

Ohhh, interesting question to see on here,

Personally have experienced racism, mostly casual types, I’m Canadian (didn’t specify in the post but, I’m Filipino & Chinese) don’t live in America where most actual violent hate crimes happen, but there’s still racism up here.

Def get the dog eater jokes from my friends, but i dont really mind, shit is funny.

  • When i was a kid, got the chinese comments and all that, the usual elementary school kid stuff. (Got my fair share of ching chong ching chings)

  • At the grocery store and was packing the groceries with my mom (haven’t moved the cart or anything). While my mom was mid paying, cashier stops me to pack down my bags, because and I quote “we looked suspicious” mother got very angry because all the other people in the store did not get bags airport security checked and they were all white so idk lol

  • At the hospital, trynna check in for god knows what and the secretary asks in the most stereotypical voice: "do you know english? " i died on the inside lmao don’t remember what happened after that tho.

In general, not many violent hate crimes but definitely casual racism.

Race vs nationality :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, i happen to be Nigerian and with this comes highly melanated skin (black as shit)

Wait, that’s misinput right?

America isnt even top 50 for hate crimes if we include systematic stuff (not the generational kind.) Alot of countries dont even have hate crime laws, and many more refuse to acknowledge things we would consider in that catagory.

Canada is prob ahead of the us in that vein regardless.

Idk it was mostly just a comparison, (Canada and America are very similar) just have family up in the America, they say they don’t feel safe where they are which is fair because its Chicago.

I mean im chill with almost everyone around me and i’m essentially invisible to those who i don’t talk to, and I also live in the U.S. so I don’t have to worry about that uhhhhhhh the worst racism i’ve experienced is probably some random in middle school calling me a grass-cutting taco muncher out of NOWHERE :skull:
If anything else maybe i’ve had racist stuff said to me but I either am too dense to realise or it just goes out from one ear from another Since i don’t really think much :person_shrugging:

I’m a white dude from Europe. Just about as much privilege as you can get, and i still get stereotyped the moment i say the country i’m from (France).

I can’t even imagine how bad it gets for people from actual minorities who probably have it a thousand times worse on the daily.

Long ahh rant feel free to skip over it

I have a controversial background, let’s just put it like that. It’s quite a sensitive topic for me, hence the vagueness.

There’s something about me that I can’t change. It is no appearance, it was not even my choice. Basically invisible, you could say. When I was younger, I didn’t know it was a “problem”. So I went around and told people about it. I have stopped saying it by now, because I can’t stand to be associated with the controversy. There’s this guy in my class that I couldn’t get rid of. We know each other from young age, and he heard me talk about it. He occasionally drops comments about it. I hate him, if you couldn’t tell already.

This is a serious problem for me, and it’s gotten so bad to the point where I just keep it secret and don’t wish to associate myself with it anymore.

Let that sink in. If they don’t know, they would preceive me as the average human being. But if I tell them about it, which still changes nothing about me as a person, they wouldn’t look at me the same way.

Assuming this isn’t including joking racism with friends, yeah, I’ve experienced real racism before.

It was a long time ago but long story short I was made fun of a lot for how my eyes looked in my younger years.

Nowadays thankfully whenever I’m made fun of genuinely for how my eyes look I usually end up making them look like the bad guy since there’s always a few people to back me up as well.