Vetex's inventory leaks maybe perhaps? ( Maybe spoilers )

I think we can find clothing / model leaks in his inventory or creations? but its private so somebody would have to check through one of those inventory checking games. :nod:

@Vetex Look at this funny little guy :neutral_face:


Technically it’s a Roblox bug which they have yet to fix.

but are we allowed to post leaks in his inventory or what-

like are there rules against it

:person_shrugging: probs

if it gets closed or taken down probably

Pretty sure this is more of a violation of the forums rules than what JDFP did lol

Vetex too cool for that :ghost:

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True but like technically rule 18 :nerd_face:

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But now he can answer so we good, there is a dude in the discord that has a buncha these inventory leaks from accounts

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Sorry sir :saluting_face: :nerd_face: :saluting_face:

didnt see it in the rules so000-

another day of waiting for Vetex to release the ingame clothings…

pinging vetex is against the rules lol

anyways no these dont matter, everything important is in the decals which cant be seen, even in inventory checker games. those clothes are from wom and people already know about them. those models are weird but theyre probably not important to ao’s story

The “Red Sailor’s Jacket” is definitely new, but the rest were already there in the clothing section. However, if you want to see ALL of Vetex’s clothing, you can go to the catalog, search by creater “vetexgames”, and put “show unavailable” to true.

Sum dude already has like all of them

like, on the catalogue/avatar store to buy ?

nah screen shots somewhere